تأثير تقنيات التأهيل باستخدام التحفيز الانعكاسي للقدم في بعض المتغي ا رت الفسلجية للكبار بالعمر

حسن علي كريم, ولاء فاضل ابراهيم, عمار حمزه هادي


Study aimed to investigate the effects of using foot reflexology massage on decreasing High Blood Pressure in Blood Pressure Patients. 20 patients aged (50-60) years were participated in present study, variables were diagnosed before and after approach. Simple equal and homogenous were used depending on age, mass, height, and body max index. Subject was divided in two groups (experiment and control) each group involved 10 patients. Experiment group received foot reflexology treatments 3 times per week over 8 weeks for a total of 24 sessions. The sessions included firm pressure of reflexology for duration of 30 minutes, in
addition to take a medication. Control group didn’t receive any treatment approach. Results of
current study showed that experimental group was more improvement than control group in all
variables. This means foot reflexology affected on reducing physiological variables. Based on
the results obtained in this study, researchers concluded that foot reflexology had significant
impact in decreasing level of physiological variables and return to normal or near-normal. For
this reason, researchers recommended to attention such as those treatments to reduce blood
pressure and also can be made of such treatments on other diseases such as diabetes or liver
disease and other.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11111/assrarabic.v0i0.1297


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