Psychological Pollution among The Students of The Physical Education Colleges of Middle Euphrates Universities (Contrastive Study)

Hayder Abdulridha Tarrad AL-Khafaji


This research aims toidentify the level of psychological pollution in the physical education colleges of Middle Euphrates Universities students and to recognize the differences of the level of psychological pollution for both sex and Universities students. The researcher used the descriptive survey study and comparative protocol to measure the level of psychological pollution among the students, which it suitable to the nature of the study. The subject was determined by the community students of the physical education colleges of Middle Euphrates Universities for the academic year (2011-2012), (600) male and female students were selected randomly, (150) students from each University from various colleges, by equal number of both sex. The researcher adopted (Mohammed, 2004) scale to measure the psychological pollution level among the students of the Universities, which considered a modern and sober scale, and intended for university students. The most important conclusions are: The psychological level of contamination was at its highest level of male students compared with female students in the Universities of the physical education colleges of Middle Euphrates .The psychological pollution level was medium in Euphrates Universities male students of physical education colleges . The psychological level of contamination was varied between physical education colleges of Universities, it has been found that the average level among the students of Universities (Babylon, Qadisiyah, Karbala), was low among the students of the University of Kufa. The researcher recommended to circulate the results of the present study to other Iraqi universities, and raise awareness about the cultural and psychological causes the pollution through various media and present them to the community. In addition to study the phenomena of social, and psychological problems which will help to raise the level of psychological pollution for students, and development required treatments within the guidelines that specialized for .

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